Apa yang membuat sebuah perusahaan berhasil?
Pengumpulan pendapat terbaru mengenai manajemen menghasilkan rating berikut :
1. Sebuah prasangka terhadap tindakan lakukan, perbaikan, coba
2. Bentuk sederhana dan staf sedikit
3. Kontak yang berkesinambungan dengan konsumen
4. Otonomi operasional untnk mendorong semangat usaha
5. Tekanan pada nilai bisnis kunci
7. Komitmen untuk mencapai kepuasan konsumen
8. Fleksibilitas dalam memenuhi permintaan khusus (dapatkah Anda mengirimkan hari ini’—“ya”, -“tidak”- “maaf”, truknya telah berangkat, terlalu sibuk”, dsb.)
9. Tanggapan pada permintaan khusus
10. Hal-hal yang amat baik (outsome) jika diperlukan
11. Tempatkan hadiah pada jasa
12. Memonitor aktivitas pesaing
13. Menapak teknologi terbaru
14. Menjadi yang terbaik
15. Berpusat pada pelayanan konsumen
Mereka mungkin bisa juga akan menambahkan-‘tetaplah pada tema dasar’ atau ‘bisnis inti’ Jadilah yang paling lengkap
Buatlah bisnis Anda sebagai yang :
• Paling seksama
• Memiliki persediaan terbaik
• Memliki profil tertinggi
• Merupakan benchmark yang menjadi ukuran untuk bisnis saingan lain
• Jangan hidup mengikuti kriteria—ciptakan kriteria itu!
• Desain produk Anda dengan lebih baik
• Tampilkan dengan lebih baik
• Sediakan instruksi yang lebih baik
• Sediakan pendukung penjualan yang lebih baik
Manajemen Waktu
“Saya harap saya memperoleh waktu, untuk mengikuti Kursus Ma¬najemen Waktu”
1. Manajemen waktu memiliki tiga komponen—kebutuhan untuk :
• prioritas yang mapan
• menggunakan penjadwalan atau pemrograman yang realitas
• belajar membuat keputusan dasar dan bertindak sesuai keputasan tersebut
2. Manajemen waktu yang efektif mengenai :
• merencanakan dan menyusun prioritas
• apa hal paling penting untuk dilakukan hari ini?
• Apa yang harus dikerjakan hari ini?
• Daftarkan sesuai urutannya dalam agenda harian atau selembar kertas
• Dan kerjakan sesuai urutannya
3. Mengelola prioritas
Klasifikasikan tugas-tugas dalam kelompok, seperti :
Kategori A—prioritas utama, memerlukan perhatian pribadi Anda
Kategori B—penting, namun bukan prioritas utama
Kategori C—dapat dikerjakan setelah selesai dengan kategori A dan B
Kategori D—delegasikan pada orang lain
4. Banyak manajer bisnis kecil menganggap penting hal-hal :
• Membuka surat
• Mengerjakan pekerjaan sehubungan dengan kegiatan perbankan sehari-hari
• Hal-hal ini merupakan bagian dari hal-hal biasa yang dapat dan sebaiknya didelegasikan pada seorang yang bertanggung jawab mengenai administrasi
5. Alokasikan waktu rutin setiap hari untuk tugas-tugas tertentu, contohnya :
• Rapat-rapat
• Wawancara
• Korespondensi
• Percakapan telepon—masuk dan keluar
6. Apakah Anda proaktif atau reaktif?
• Apakah Anda menghabiskan waktu memadamkan api? (reaktif)
• Atau mengisi waktu merencanakan dan mencapai target? (proaktif)
7. Tetap terfokus
Tataplah pada tugas yang menjadi prioritas- jangan terkecoh menger¬jakan hal lain
• Tangani dokumen-dokumen sekali saja
• Putuskan tindakan yang diminta dan bertindaklah menurut keputusan itu
• Jangan menangani dokumen setiap hari selama berminggu-minggu
Keberhasilan adalah Mengenai Pengembangan Kualitas Pelayanan. Ini menyangkut:
• Dapat dipercaya
dapat diandalkan dan konsisten
• Responsif
berkemauan dan sigap
• Kompeten
keterampilan dan pengetahuan
• Akses
mudah dicapai
• Sopan santun
sopan, penuh perhatian, hormat , bersahabat
• Komunikasi
mudah dimengerti dan dihubungi
• Kredibilitas
jujur, dapat dan layak dipercaya
• Keamanan
tidak berbahaya, berisiko, atau meragukan
• Pemahaman
pengertian kebutuhan konsumen
• Nyata
bukti dari pelayanan
• Fokus, Fokus, Fokus
• Memenuhi Standar Kualitas Manajamen Total atau direncanakan untuk Memenuhi Tuntutan Tersebut
1. Tertawa berisiko tampak bodoh.
2. Mengisak berisiko tampak sentimentil.
3. Merggapai orang lain berisiko keterlibatan.
4. Mengekspersikan perasaan beresiko menampilkan diri Anda yang sebenarnnya.
5. Hidup berisiko kematian
6. Berharap beresiko patah harapan
7. Mencoba berisiko gagal
8. Namun resiko harus diambil karena bahaya terbesar dalam hidup adalah tidak memiliki resiko
9. Dirantai oleh kepastiannya, ia adalah seorang budak : ia telah mengorbankan kebebasannya.
10. Hanya orang yang memiliki resikolah yang bebas.
Bagaimana Jika Kita Menaikkan Harga?
Banyak perusahaan menggunakan harga sebagai taktilk keberhasil¬an. Mereka menurunkan harga untuk menyaingi harga pesaing. Ini dapat menjadi siklus ganas yang mengurangi margin keutungan semua perusahaan.
Bagaimana jika perusahaan menaikkan harganya?
Staf penjalan mungkin akan memprotes betapa banyak bisnis akan dirugikan secara nyata hanya dalam semalam karena tidak menggunakan harga yang mengikuti pola ‘saya juga’
Bayangkan sebuah kasus hipotesis saat produk dijual $100 dengan variabel biaya $75 dan dengan demikian memiliki kontribusi margin 25%. Manajemen ingin menaikkan harga sebanyak 15%, melawan protes keras seluruh staf penjualan yang meyakinkan bahwa volume penjualan akan jatuh. Manajer penjualan dipanggil oleh manajemen untuk menghitung berapa banyak bisnis yang hilang dengan kenaikan harga yang diajukan, dan kemudian meminta tim penjualannya untuk menyediakan laporan perkiraan angkanya.
Pada saatnya, manajer penjualan menyampaikan manajemen bahwa rata-rata, volume penjualan akan jatuh sebanyak 22% dengan 15% kenaikan. Manajer memiliki angka untuk melakukan prakiraan sederhana.
Ia mengalikan harga (100). Dengan persentasi kenaikan harga (15) untuk hasil 1500. Ini dibagi persentase kontribusi (25). Ditambah persentase kenaikan harga (15), menghasilkan kenaikan harga hingga 40. Bagi 1500 dengan 40 dan hasilnya merupakan volume kehilangan kritis sebanyak 37,5%.
Jadi, penjualan akan turun sebesar 37,5% ; lebih dari perkiraan para staf penjualan, sebelum keuntungan dari kenaikan harga ini mencapai titik impas.
Ini berarti, penjualan perusahaan akan turun 37,5% sebelum keuntungan kenaikan harga itu mencapai titik impas.
X = Penurunan atau kenaikan harga dalam persentase
C = Persentase kontribusi
100 kali X dibagi X + C = CVL ( critical volume loss = volume kehilangan kritis)
sebagai persamaan untuk mengukur kapan Anda ingin memotong harga,
100 kali X dibagi C - X = CVG ( volume perolehan kritis)
Kesan pertama sangat penting dan benar-benar diperhitungkan. Citra macam apa yang telah atau akan diproyeksikan oleh perusahaan atau produk baru Anda? Cara penampilan dan citrra perusahaan dan pro¬duk Anda dapat dan mungkin akan, memiliki efek yang penting dalam peningkatan penjualan.
- Apakah toko atau kios Anda memiliki KONSEP TOTAL?
- Bagaimana produk Anda dikemas?
- Dapatkah kemasan produk Anda diperbaiki
- Apakah bisnis anda memiliki brosur perusahaan yang menarik, yang dapat Anda berikan pada prospektif klien Anda?
- Apakah itu memaparkan pengalaman, ketrampilan, kualifikasi, produk, jasa, garansi, spesialisasi, fitur, keuntungan perusahaan Anda?
Pertimbangkan ini!
Saat-saat serang konsumen membuka surat atau menerima literaturr promosi dari perushaan Anda :
• Apakah itu ditampilkan secara baik pada kertas berkualitas dan tercetak baik?
• Apakah perusahaan dan produk Anda terwakili secara baik?
Saat seorang konsumen menerima invoice dari perusahaan Anda :
• Apakah mudah dibaca dan dimengerti?
• Apakah itu mudah dikenali di timbunan invoice lainnya?
• Apakah tampilannya mendorong konsumen untuk membayar?
Apakah Anda menggunakan daerah penerima tamu untuk :
• Menonjolkan dan memajang produk perusahaan Anda
• Memamerkan kualifikasi khusus
• Memamerkan penghargaan perdagangan dan industri
• Memajang literatur perusahaan
- Apa yang Anda dapat dengan menghadirkan citra yang lebih baik?
- Berapa yang harus Anda keluarkan untuk menghadirkan citra yangl ebih baik?
Pelajaran Dari Masa Lalu
Ini tahun 1973, apa yang akan Anda investasikan? Maukah penanam modal mendukung ide Anda?
• Toko komputer pribadi
• Tempat sampah plastik beroda
• Minuman botol
• Warung telekomunikasi
• Bengkel
• Bengkel spesialis
• Bisnis franchise
Mengapa ide-ide di atas berhasil?
• Fokus, nengidentifikasi kebutuhan pasar, da menyediakan kebutuhan itu dalam bentuk yang diterima konsumen
• Benang merah semua bisnis ini adalah beroperasi dalam produk spesialis yang dihantarkan dengan baik dan mudah diakses
Audit Pemasaran
Kuesioner awal
Anda sebenarnya ada dalam bisnis apa?
• Apa sasaran bisnis Anda?
• Apa sasaran pribadi Anda?
• Aria kekuatan bisnis Anda’
• Apa kelemahannya?
• Apa kesempatan yang dimilikinya?
• Apa ancaman yang ada sekarang dan di masa depan?
• Apakah bisnis Anda musiman?
• Apakah Anda menindaklanjuti konsumen dengan menanyakan apakah mereka cukup puas?
• Berapa penjualan rata-rata Anda sehari-hari?
• Apakah ada produk yang secara menonjol lebih mengun¬tungkan dari yang lain?
• Apakah ada produk yang secara menonjol kurang mengun¬tungkan?
• Apa isu kritis yang sekarang ini mempengaruhi bisnis Anda?
• Periklanan?
• Promosi?
• Distribusi?
• Pelayanan apa yang akan menjadi keuntungan khusus?
Apa yang membuat Anda kompetitif?
• Posisi?
• Harga?
• Perhatian?
• Kualitas?
• Keunikan?
• Pengalaman?
• Kontak?
• Jangka waktu pembayaran?
• Garansi?
Pertimbangan lain :
• Apa yang mernbuat para pesaing Anda menonjol?
• Siapa yang memerlukan Anda?
• Bagaimana konsumen menilai Anda?
• Bagaimana konsumen menilai para pesaing Anda?
• Apakah Anda menawarkan potongan harga?
• Apakah produk baru yang dapat Anda tawarkan? Apa saja?
Periklanan —10 butir Kiat
• Apa yang Anda iklankan?
• Apa yang seharusnya menjadi pesan sentral?
• Apakah iklan kooperatifnya sesuai?
• Haruskah anda menggunakan iklan yang sama di semua media?
• Apakah iklan itu menarik dan menahan perhatian?
• Apakah iklan itu memiliki headline yang menarik?
• BARU, GRATIS adalah kak-kata yang bagus untuk digu¬nakan pada salinan Anda.
• Beberapa foto dan garnhar menambah daya tarik.
• Pemilihan media sangat penting.
• Promosi integral apa yang dapat Anda lakukan sabagai pendukung?
Aturan lama
Kontak terbaik dengan pembeli potensial adalah kontak personal.
Aturan Baru
Kontak terbaik dengan pembeli adalah kontak yang efektif.
Inovasi yang membuat perubahan pada struktur industri efektif khususnya jika industri jika industri dan pasarnya di’dominasi oleh satu pro¬dusen atau supplier yang sangat besar, atau oleh hanya sedikit produsen saja. Bahkan jika bukan benar-benar merupakan monopoli, produsen dan supplier besar dan dominan ini telah mengalami sukses dan tak tertandingi selama bertahun-tahun, cenderung menjadi arogan.
Di mana Anda Akan Bertemu?
Anda akan pergi ke kota yang asing dan baru untuk menemui orang¬-orang, untuk pertama kalinya, yang tertarik untuk berbisnis dengan Anda.
Sebagai seorang pengusaha, seperti biasa, Anda memiliki sedikit uang dan tidak mampu menginap di hotel bintang lima—tingga Anda menginap di sebuah motel murah di daerah pinggiran.
Orang-orang yang akan Anda temuii untuk pertama kalinya bisa jadi sangat penting untuk bisnis Anda dan merupakan keharusan bagi Anda untuk membawakan ‘kesan yang tepat’ pada pertemuan ini. Jelaslah bahwa orang-orang yang akan Anda temui juga akan meng¬ukur Anda, dan akan meninggalkan pertemuan kali ini dengan me¬nyimpan kesan yang baru saja didapat.
Salam, Welcome to My Blog, Content of this Blog mostly related with Entrepreneurship and Career articles. Hopefully this simple Blog is useful for the reader. Thanks a lot for visiting. God Bless you Regards, Daffa Whatever you give to life, it gives you back. Do not hate any body. The hatred which comes out from you will someday come back to you. Love others. And love will come back to you
Monday, April 30, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Our client, Petrochemical Industry operate a Petrochemical complex at
Saudi Arabia, . The Facility was commissioned, currently has an annual
ethylene production and polyethylene of …kts per annum. NATPET is now
expanding facilities. NATPET is in search of qualified and experienced
personnel in Oil and Gas Petrochemical for its new facilities and
invite applications for the following positions:
Count of Job Positions Total
Dept. Position Requirement
Maint.&Inspector Total
P PDH Total
P-PP/U Total
Safety Total
• MECHANICAL ENGINEER Piping & Stationery Equipment
• MECHANICAL ENGINEER Rotating Equipment
Position Salary Range by SAR
4. ELECTRICAL PLANNER 7000 - 11000
10. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Piping & Stationery Equipment 7000 -11000
11. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Rotating Equipment 7000 -11000
NATPET offers competitive Packages and Excellent career Opportunities
for dynamic candidates.
Suitable candidates will entitled to an attractive salary remote area
allowance, shift allowance, free housing, furniture purchase
allowance, transportation, single/ family status, leisure allowance
insurance. Medical benefits
Those interested in being considered for these exciting opportunities,
please send preferably by email a comprehensive CV quoting the
appropriate position title to:
PT.Lansima Human Resource Development
Jl.Tegal Parang Utara No,41
Mampang Prapatan-Jakarta Selatan 12790.INDONESIA
Tel.062 21 79196226
Or E-mail to :,
Saudi Arabia, . The Facility was commissioned, currently has an annual
ethylene production and polyethylene of …kts per annum. NATPET is now
expanding facilities. NATPET is in search of qualified and experienced
personnel in Oil and Gas Petrochemical for its new facilities and
invite applications for the following positions:
Count of Job Positions Total
Dept. Position Requirement
Maint.&Inspector Total
P PDH Total
P-PP/U Total
Safety Total
• MECHANICAL ENGINEER Piping & Stationery Equipment
• MECHANICAL ENGINEER Rotating Equipment
Position Salary Range by SAR
4. ELECTRICAL PLANNER 7000 - 11000
10. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Piping & Stationery Equipment 7000 -11000
11. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Rotating Equipment 7000 -11000
NATPET offers competitive Packages and Excellent career Opportunities
for dynamic candidates.
Suitable candidates will entitled to an attractive salary remote area
allowance, shift allowance, free housing, furniture purchase
allowance, transportation, single/ family status, leisure allowance
insurance. Medical benefits
Those interested in being considered for these exciting opportunities,
please send preferably by email a comprehensive CV quoting the
appropriate position title to:
PT.Lansima Human Resource Development
Jl.Tegal Parang Utara No,41
Mampang Prapatan-Jakarta Selatan 12790.INDONESIA
Tel.062 21 79196226
Or E-mail to :,
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Qatar-employment opportunities
RasGas is engaged in the business of production and sale of Liquefied Natural Gas and related hydrocarbon products. At present, the company operates a five-train onshore facility at Ras Laffan, which is about 80km north of the capital city; Doha, in the State of Qatar. The Company, as part of its expansion programme, is currently building further production facilities both onshore and offshore and seeks highly skilled person for the following positions;
Instrument Technician
The incumbent will carry out preventive and breakdown maintenance of Process instrumentation associated with DCS and TMR systems, general field instrumentation, test equipment and Telecommunication equipment including Radios, Telemetry, Public Address and LAN/WAN systems in the main complex and remote well head platforms. Carry out maintenance and improve the operational efficiency of all process control system instrumentation such as Fire and Gas, Analysers, transmitters, valves, vibration monitoring system, DCS, PLC and Telecom equipment in main complex and remote wellhead platforms. Co-ordinate the work of contract services staff, when on site to carry out maintenance and repair work on Instrumentation, Telecom equipment, to ensure appropriate standard of work is carried out and that all safety and environmental standards are adhered to.
Candidates must have a minimum of HNC, HND in instrumentation and Controls or equivalent from a recognised institution, together with a minimum of 5-10 years experience in maintenance work in the oil and gas sector, with particular expertise in process control related field instrumentation, control systems and procedures. Knowledge of Field Instrumentation, Fire and Gas, DCS, Sequence logic control and PLCs and real-time computer programming techniques.
Electrical Technician
The incumbent will carry out preventive and breakdown maintenance of all Electrical equipment / systems including process, generation, safety and utility systems. Applies Predictive/ preventive maintenance principles and techniques to ensure the availability and integrity of equipment to meet production targets and goals. Carry out maintenance and improve the operational efficiency of generators, Transformers, Motor control centres, Switchgears, UPS systems, Batteries, Chargers, Portable electrical/instrume nt equipment and HVAC system on main complex and remote wellhead platforms. Maintains a full service record of all action and work undertaken by him on Electrical and HVAC Systems for Sap input. Co-ordinate the work of contract services staff, when on site to carry out maintenance and repair work on Gas Turbines, Switchgear Relay testing and to ensure appropriate standard of work is carried out and that all safety and environmental standards are adhered to. Applicants should have a minimum of HNC, HND or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognised institution, in addition to at least 8 years experience in maintenance work in the oil and gas sector, with particular expertise in Gas turbine controls, Diesel Generators, UPS, Battery Chargers, Transformers, HV Distribution, and HVAC Systems.
Mechanical Technician
The incumbent be responsible for carrying out preventive and breakdown of all mechanical equipment (static and rotary), utilities, test equipment, tools etc. of main complex and remote well head platforms, Applies Predictive/ preventive maintenance analysis principles and techniques to ensure the availability and integrity of equipment to meet production targets and goals. Carry out maintenance and improve the operational efficiency, reliability and availability of all static and rotating equipment of the main complex and remote well platforms. Trouble shoots the equipment faults and recommends repair strategy to LMT or MS. Advice LMT/MS on suggested changes to PPM task lists based on experience and equipment condition. Carry out Hazard identification, JSA and prepare work permit under RasGas PTW system. Monitor and maintain a full service record of all actions and works undertaken by him and record in SAP. Co-ordinate the work of vendors and contract services staff, when on site to carry out maintenance and repair works on mechanical equipment. Ensure appropriate standard of work is carried out and that all safety and environmental standards are adhered to.
Applicants must have a minimum of HNC, HND in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent from a recognised institution, together with a minimum of 10 years experience in maintenance work in the oil and gas sector, with particular expertise in offshore facilities operating with safety first concept, work to permit system. Extensive exposure/ experience in the operation, maintenance and condition monitoring of Mechanical equipment e.g.: turbines, pumps, compressors, valves, exchangers, vessels and associated equipment.
Process Operator
The incumbent will operate Ras Gas Alpha plant and future expansion facilities in conjunction with the Control Room Panel Operator to maximize production and ensure the safe and environmentally sound operation of the offshore facilities. Perform Emergency response duties as prescribed in the Emergency Response plan. Operates & maintain the process & remote wellhead facilities as per RGEE procedures to meet set targets and standards. Monitors environmental compliance as per EHS policies. Coordinates field activities with Control Room Operator. Prepares production reports and monitors processes as directed by Panel Operator and/or PS. Monitors equipment to ensure safe and efficient operation. Starts and stops equipment in safe manner as laid out in the procedures. Prepares equipment or site for maintenance as per PTW requirement. Assist PIC in well bore activities like PLT, Simops, and samplings. Track of field chemical consumptions & consumable items.
Applicants should have a Technical diploma in engineering discipline or equivalent, together with a minimum of 5 years diversified experience in the oil and gas sector, together with a through knowledge of three phase separation, dehydration, wellhead, power generation & utility equipments, the ability to read & interpret P&ID, experience working in H2S environment.
Operator Maintainer
The incumbent will be responsible for carrying out offshore plant (main complex and remote well head platforms) operation during routine and shutdown conditions, as instructed by the Panel Operators/ Production Supervisor. To perform preventive and emergency breakdown maintenance activities as decided by the platform management. Monitors daily operations of offshore facilities and makes suggestions to improve system performance. Responsible for overall safety, operation, general maintenance and housekeeping of the assigned area during a particular shift. Participate in all meetings of Production operations and report safety and work related concerns. Participate in safety meetings to be current with operation and maintenance related safety issues. Liaise with Panel operators for executing all field operations in the plant to maintain normal operations and also during abnormal operations such as shutdowns, plant upsets etc. Consult operators and PS in effort to continuously improve upon the knowledge of plant operation and plant efficiency. Demonstrate competency in Area Operator and Performing Party function of RGA PTW system. Carry out preventive maintenance (PM) activities as prescribed by the platform management. Provide advice to PS in planning PM programs in conjunction with routine operational activities, with guidance from Maintenance department. The candidate should be independently capable of carrying out operational activities of the plant and also to perform maintenance activities (Mechanical/ Electrical/ Instrumentation & Control).
Candidates should have a Diploma or equivalent in core discipline (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation/ Controls). Minimum 7 years diversified experience in the oil and gas sector in operations and maintenance.
Candidates for all of the above roles should be Computer literate with knowledge of SAP and commonly used business software applications and possess good written and oral communication skills in English together with Good interpersonal skills and ability to work as a team member and good adaptability to multinational environment, with wide exposure to various cultures and customs.
These roles are offered on a 28/28 rotational basis to support our new Assets and offer attractive TAX FREE SALARIES, paid airfares and outstanding benefits.
Those interested in being considered for these exciting opportunities, please send a comprehensive C.V. quoting the appropriate position title to:
Head office: Jl. Kapten Tendean No.24,
Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12720, Indonesia
Tel: 062-21-7191060 (Hunting)
Fax: 062-21-7191017
E-mail: rasgas.production@ gunamandiri. com
www.gunamandiri. com
Qatar-employment opportunities
RasGas is engaged in the business of production and sale of Liquefied Natural Gas and related hydrocarbon products. At present, the company operates a five-train onshore facility at Ras Laffan, which is about 80km north of the capital city; Doha, in the State of Qatar. The Company, as part of its expansion programme, is currently building further production facilities both onshore and offshore and seeks highly skilled person for the following positions;
Instrument Technician
The incumbent will carry out preventive and breakdown maintenance of Process instrumentation associated with DCS and TMR systems, general field instrumentation, test equipment and Telecommunication equipment including Radios, Telemetry, Public Address and LAN/WAN systems in the main complex and remote well head platforms. Carry out maintenance and improve the operational efficiency of all process control system instrumentation such as Fire and Gas, Analysers, transmitters, valves, vibration monitoring system, DCS, PLC and Telecom equipment in main complex and remote wellhead platforms. Co-ordinate the work of contract services staff, when on site to carry out maintenance and repair work on Instrumentation, Telecom equipment, to ensure appropriate standard of work is carried out and that all safety and environmental standards are adhered to.
Candidates must have a minimum of HNC, HND in instrumentation and Controls or equivalent from a recognised institution, together with a minimum of 5-10 years experience in maintenance work in the oil and gas sector, with particular expertise in process control related field instrumentation, control systems and procedures. Knowledge of Field Instrumentation, Fire and Gas, DCS, Sequence logic control and PLCs and real-time computer programming techniques.
Electrical Technician
The incumbent will carry out preventive and breakdown maintenance of all Electrical equipment / systems including process, generation, safety and utility systems. Applies Predictive/ preventive maintenance principles and techniques to ensure the availability and integrity of equipment to meet production targets and goals. Carry out maintenance and improve the operational efficiency of generators, Transformers, Motor control centres, Switchgears, UPS systems, Batteries, Chargers, Portable electrical/instrume nt equipment and HVAC system on main complex and remote wellhead platforms. Maintains a full service record of all action and work undertaken by him on Electrical and HVAC Systems for Sap input. Co-ordinate the work of contract services staff, when on site to carry out maintenance and repair work on Gas Turbines, Switchgear Relay testing and to ensure appropriate standard of work is carried out and that all safety and environmental standards are adhered to. Applicants should have a minimum of HNC, HND or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognised institution, in addition to at least 8 years experience in maintenance work in the oil and gas sector, with particular expertise in Gas turbine controls, Diesel Generators, UPS, Battery Chargers, Transformers, HV Distribution, and HVAC Systems.
Mechanical Technician
The incumbent be responsible for carrying out preventive and breakdown of all mechanical equipment (static and rotary), utilities, test equipment, tools etc. of main complex and remote well head platforms, Applies Predictive/ preventive maintenance analysis principles and techniques to ensure the availability and integrity of equipment to meet production targets and goals. Carry out maintenance and improve the operational efficiency, reliability and availability of all static and rotating equipment of the main complex and remote well platforms. Trouble shoots the equipment faults and recommends repair strategy to LMT or MS. Advice LMT/MS on suggested changes to PPM task lists based on experience and equipment condition. Carry out Hazard identification, JSA and prepare work permit under RasGas PTW system. Monitor and maintain a full service record of all actions and works undertaken by him and record in SAP. Co-ordinate the work of vendors and contract services staff, when on site to carry out maintenance and repair works on mechanical equipment. Ensure appropriate standard of work is carried out and that all safety and environmental standards are adhered to.
Applicants must have a minimum of HNC, HND in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent from a recognised institution, together with a minimum of 10 years experience in maintenance work in the oil and gas sector, with particular expertise in offshore facilities operating with safety first concept, work to permit system. Extensive exposure/ experience in the operation, maintenance and condition monitoring of Mechanical equipment e.g.: turbines, pumps, compressors, valves, exchangers, vessels and associated equipment.
Process Operator
The incumbent will operate Ras Gas Alpha plant and future expansion facilities in conjunction with the Control Room Panel Operator to maximize production and ensure the safe and environmentally sound operation of the offshore facilities. Perform Emergency response duties as prescribed in the Emergency Response plan. Operates & maintain the process & remote wellhead facilities as per RGEE procedures to meet set targets and standards. Monitors environmental compliance as per EHS policies. Coordinates field activities with Control Room Operator. Prepares production reports and monitors processes as directed by Panel Operator and/or PS. Monitors equipment to ensure safe and efficient operation. Starts and stops equipment in safe manner as laid out in the procedures. Prepares equipment or site for maintenance as per PTW requirement. Assist PIC in well bore activities like PLT, Simops, and samplings. Track of field chemical consumptions & consumable items.
Applicants should have a Technical diploma in engineering discipline or equivalent, together with a minimum of 5 years diversified experience in the oil and gas sector, together with a through knowledge of three phase separation, dehydration, wellhead, power generation & utility equipments, the ability to read & interpret P&ID, experience working in H2S environment.
Operator Maintainer
The incumbent will be responsible for carrying out offshore plant (main complex and remote well head platforms) operation during routine and shutdown conditions, as instructed by the Panel Operators/ Production Supervisor. To perform preventive and emergency breakdown maintenance activities as decided by the platform management. Monitors daily operations of offshore facilities and makes suggestions to improve system performance. Responsible for overall safety, operation, general maintenance and housekeeping of the assigned area during a particular shift. Participate in all meetings of Production operations and report safety and work related concerns. Participate in safety meetings to be current with operation and maintenance related safety issues. Liaise with Panel operators for executing all field operations in the plant to maintain normal operations and also during abnormal operations such as shutdowns, plant upsets etc. Consult operators and PS in effort to continuously improve upon the knowledge of plant operation and plant efficiency. Demonstrate competency in Area Operator and Performing Party function of RGA PTW system. Carry out preventive maintenance (PM) activities as prescribed by the platform management. Provide advice to PS in planning PM programs in conjunction with routine operational activities, with guidance from Maintenance department. The candidate should be independently capable of carrying out operational activities of the plant and also to perform maintenance activities (Mechanical/ Electrical/ Instrumentation & Control).
Candidates should have a Diploma or equivalent in core discipline (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation/ Controls). Minimum 7 years diversified experience in the oil and gas sector in operations and maintenance.
Candidates for all of the above roles should be Computer literate with knowledge of SAP and commonly used business software applications and possess good written and oral communication skills in English together with Good interpersonal skills and ability to work as a team member and good adaptability to multinational environment, with wide exposure to various cultures and customs.
These roles are offered on a 28/28 rotational basis to support our new Assets and offer attractive TAX FREE SALARIES, paid airfares and outstanding benefits.
Those interested in being considered for these exciting opportunities, please send a comprehensive C.V. quoting the appropriate position title to:
Head office: Jl. Kapten Tendean No.24,
Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12720, Indonesia
Tel: 062-21-7191060 (Hunting)
Fax: 062-21-7191017
E-mail: rasgas.production@ gunamandiri. com
www.gunamandiri. com
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Gas Nomination and Liquid Lifting Scheduler Vacancy
Hess Corporation is a leading global independent energy company, engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, as well as in refining and in marketing refined petroleum products, natural gas, and electricity. Our vision is to maximize shareholder value by enhancing financial performance and providing long-term profitable growth. We are committed to meeting the highest standards of corporate citizenship by protecting the health and safety of our employees, safeguarding the environment and creating a long-lasting, positive impact on the communities in which we do business.
Currently we have temporary position open in our Jakarta office:
Gas Nomination and Liquid Lifting
Key Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the lifting coordinator, generate the workable Consolidated Shipping Program (CSP) and weekly schedule for crude and LPG which also include the other SIAM Jetty lifting schedules in order to maximize lifting, maintain Pangkah Tanks always be at safety level in accommodating daily production, and also to avoid curtailment .
Coordinate and assure all lifting reports due be released in due time and accurate.
Participate in weekly shipping coordinator meeting at BPMIGAS with Pertamina, other producing PSCs, BPMIGAS, and PN; chaired by BPMIGAS Marketing division
Prepare OPEC report
Prepare crude slate
Prepare the lifting schedule and report the crude over/under lift, inventory levels and also emergency lifting situations
Coordinate with Finance and Trading on a regular basis to maximize the value received by HESS.
Coordinate the lifting with Maspion and HESS operational & marine personnel
Participate in the contract preparation for LPG tender, crude and Condensate selling.
Under supervision of the gas commercial coordinator, generate workable gas delivery reports and coordinate the nomination of gas delivery in accordance to the gas delivery procedure.
Maintain good communications and coordination with all gas stakeholders, internal and external to maximize the value of gas delivered to customers.
Performance Indicators
Demonstrated understanding of lifting, marine operations, tanking system and also gas delivery/nominations, GDP and GSA.
Demonstrated the lifting scheduling using Excel.
Customer feedback, value of recommendations made.
Proactive participation and efficient management of the Supply Chain process.
Resolution of issues.
Customer feedback.
Projects completed on time
Quality of ideas initiated and improvement ideas implemented.
· Degree in S-1 from recognized universities
· A minimum of 3 years working experience in related areas with at least 1 years in the similar role
· Ability to deal with variety of people and functions.
· Ability to perform under pressure
· Hands on in Excel, power point, words.
· Numerate, analytical, logical
· Good written and spoken English
· Self motivated, open mind and team work oriented.
· Work on own initiative
· Good organisational skills
If you are interested to and is available for the short temp contract period, please do send us your detailed resume in English together with detail of your availability as well as current/expected remuneration to not later than seven days after this publication
Currently we have temporary position open in our Jakarta office:
Gas Nomination and Liquid Lifting
Key Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the lifting coordinator, generate the workable Consolidated Shipping Program (CSP) and weekly schedule for crude and LPG which also include the other SIAM Jetty lifting schedules in order to maximize lifting, maintain Pangkah Tanks always be at safety level in accommodating daily production, and also to avoid curtailment .
Coordinate and assure all lifting reports due be released in due time and accurate.
Participate in weekly shipping coordinator meeting at BPMIGAS with Pertamina, other producing PSCs, BPMIGAS, and PN; chaired by BPMIGAS Marketing division
Prepare OPEC report
Prepare crude slate
Prepare the lifting schedule and report the crude over/under lift, inventory levels and also emergency lifting situations
Coordinate with Finance and Trading on a regular basis to maximize the value received by HESS.
Coordinate the lifting with Maspion and HESS operational & marine personnel
Participate in the contract preparation for LPG tender, crude and Condensate selling.
Under supervision of the gas commercial coordinator, generate workable gas delivery reports and coordinate the nomination of gas delivery in accordance to the gas delivery procedure.
Maintain good communications and coordination with all gas stakeholders, internal and external to maximize the value of gas delivered to customers.
Performance Indicators
Demonstrated understanding of lifting, marine operations, tanking system and also gas delivery/nominations, GDP and GSA.
Demonstrated the lifting scheduling using Excel.
Customer feedback, value of recommendations made.
Proactive participation and efficient management of the Supply Chain process.
Resolution of issues.
Customer feedback.
Projects completed on time
Quality of ideas initiated and improvement ideas implemented.
· Degree in S-1 from recognized universities
· A minimum of 3 years working experience in related areas with at least 1 years in the similar role
· Ability to deal with variety of people and functions.
· Ability to perform under pressure
· Hands on in Excel, power point, words.
· Numerate, analytical, logical
· Good written and spoken English
· Self motivated, open mind and team work oriented.
· Work on own initiative
· Good organisational skills
If you are interested to and is available for the short temp contract period, please do send us your detailed resume in English together with detail of your availability as well as current/expected remuneration to not later than seven days after this publication
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Sekarang marilah kita renungkan mengapa saya menganjurkan Anda jangan mau jadi orang gajian seumur hidup. Bayangkan berapa gaji yang akan Anda peroleh setiap bulannya. Berapa total setahunnya.? Dan berapa Anda digaji setiap jamnya ? Juga renungkan apa yang akan Anda lakukan dengan pengahasilan sebesar itu ? Apa yang dapat Anda belanjakan setiap bulannya ? Serta berapa sisa yang dapat Anda tabung s? Dan apakah tabungan Anda selama setahun itu dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan Anda dan keluarga ? Saya yakin tidak.
Pertanyaan selannjutnya adalah, "Dalam kelompok manakah Anda berada ? Saya sangat yakin hanya sedikit sekali diantara Anda para pembaca yang berada dalam kelompok Rp.10.juta keatas setiap bulannya, alias hanya dibayar Rp.60.000 untuk setiap jamnya. Dengan penghasilan sebesar itu berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan Anda yang mendasar, seperti membeli rumah yang layak, kendaraan, asuransi kesehatan, dan lain sebagainya. Berapa tahun yang dibutuhkan ?
Saya sering menayakan kepada peserta pelatihan yang saya adakan, bagaimana seorang pegawai negeri dengan gaji yang pas-pasan atau karyawan swasta dengan kedudukan yang menengah dapat menjadi kaya ? Jawabannya beragam, tapi setidaknya ada empat jawaban yang dominan diberikan : Mendapat warisan, Menang undian, punya bisnis sampingan dan korupsi. Dan Anda dapat menebak sendiri kira-kira jawaban mana yang paling dominan ?
Itulah sebabnya mengapa saya mengajak Anda untuk tidak menjadi orang gajian seumur hidup. Lalu mengapa kita harus menjalankan bisnis kita sendiri ? Pertama, pemilik bisnis paling sukses akan mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa mereka mempunyai kebebasan yang luar biasa. Mereka adalah para tuan atas diri sendiri. Disamping itu, mereka mengatakan kepada bahwa bekerja sendiri risikonya kurang ketimbang bekerja untuk orang lain.
Seorang professor di Amerika pernah mengatakan pertanyaan berikut kepada kelompok enam puluh mahasiswa MBA yang bekerja sebagai eksekutif korporasi publik :
Apa yang disebut rsiko ?
Seorang mahasiswa menjawab :
Menjadi entrepreneur !
Teman-teman mahasiswanya setuju. Kemudian profesor tadi menjawab pertanyaannya sendiri dengan mengutip ucapan seorang entrepreneur :
"Apa yang disebut risiko " Mempunyai satu sumber penghasilan. Karyawan menghadapi risiko….Mereka mempunyai satu sumber penghasilan. Bagaimana kalau entrepreneur yang menjual jasa menjaga rumah kepada majikan Anda ? Dia mempuunyai ratusan pelanggan….ratusan sumber pengahasilan."
Untuk menjadi pemilik bisnis juga diperlukan agar Anda mempunyai kemauan yang kuat untuk bekerja sendiri. Bila Anda tida suka berada di luar lingkngan korporasi, entrepreneur mungkin bukan panggian Anda. Para pemilik bisnis paling sukses memiliki satu karakteristik yang sama : Mereka semua suka pada apa yang mereka lakukan. Mereka semua bangga dengan "bekerja sendiri".
Banyak diantara para entrepreneur sukses yang sebelumnya adalah karyawan diperusahaan tempatnya bekerja kemudian sukses membangun usahanya sendiri. Baru-baru ini saya menjumpai seorang kawan yang baru satu tahun memulai bisnis jasa pelatihan. Sebelumnya ia bekerja sebagai manajer SDM pada bank terkemuka di Jakarta dengan gaji mendekati Rp.10 juta perbulan. Dia mengetahui anggaran pelatihan untuk perusahaan tersebut besarnya 20 miliar setahun. Dengan semangat entrepreneur serta melihat peluang yang ada ia menggundurkan diri dan mempromosikan anak buah kepercayaannya sebagai penggantinya. Ia kemudian mendirikan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pelatihan. Dan dapat Anda tebak siapa pelanggan pertamanya ? Dan dari siapa ia mendapatkan proyek tersebut ? Ya perusahaan tempatnya bekerja dan dari orang kepercayaannya, Kalau sebelumnya pengahasilannya Rp. 10 juta sebulan, sekarang hampir Rp.20 miliar anggaran pelatihan bank tersebut masuk ke kocek perusahaannya. Itulah entreperneur.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tahukah Anda, ditaksir, populasi dunia mencapai enam miliar di akhir 1999 dan tahun 2020, angkanya melonjak menjadi delapan miliar! Apakah pemerintah bisa menyediakan pekerjaan untuk sedemikian banyak orang? Faktanya, ’privatisasi’ menjadi begitu populer pada dekade lalu, menunjukkan bahwa mereka ”mencuci tangan” dari tugas menciptakan pekerjaan yang mengerikan itu.
Fakta lainnya, merger, akuisisi, dan restrukturisasi dalam sektor swasta lebih sering membuahkan PHK masal. Lalu siapa yang mendapat beban menciptakan lapangan kerja? beban itu harus dipikul INDIVIDU-nya sendiri. Setiap orang, menciptakan sendiri pekerjaannya! Setiap orang, siap atau tidak, kondisi mendorongnya menjadi wirausaha.
Mau pilih yang mana: segera menyiapkan mental dan ketramplan kewirausahaan atau, saatnya nanti, terpaksa serabutan, mencoba-cobamenjadi wirausahawan setelah ”terdepak” dari posisi ”orang gajian”!
Saran kami, dan itu tugas buku ini pula, segeralah belajar mengambil inisiatif, inovatif, berani dan kreatif. Mulailah mempromosikan dan menampilkan ide Anda. Anda harus mulai hidup ”sedikit bersusah-payah”, jangan menunggu gaji bulanan Anda, dan mulai menunda kepuasan Anda.
Sadarilah, fenomena ini. Bahwa kewirausahaan, yang tidak dikenali seperempat abad lalu, saat ini diajarkan sebagai mata kuliah di universitas di seluruh dunia. Di Amerika Serikat saja, ratusan perguruan tinggi mengajarkan itu. Apakah ini benar-benar fenomena baru?
Tidak persis demikian. Kita sebenarnya dilahirkan sebagai wiirausaha. Keberanian, kreativitas, dan inisiatif – semuanya adalah sifat yang dimiliki seseorang sejak lahir. Itu alami, melekat dalam diri Anda! Tinggal masalahnya, buatlah kemampuan itu muncul dan bekerja optimal! Bayi manapun di dunia ini, sebelum mereka dibanjiri nilai-nilai dan peraturan masyarakat, tanpa perlu ikut seminar tentang ”berjalan”, ia belajar berjalan sampai bisa. Anda, pembaca, dulu juga bayi yang merangkak pun belum bisa. Setiap kali si bayi yang belajar berjalan itu tersandung, ia bangkit lagi. Bayi itu pun belajar berbicara tanpa perlu menghadiri kelas bahasa. Sayangnya, semua kelebihan itu hilang ketika ia memasuki institusi yang kita sebut sekolah.
Cobalah jawab pertanyaan kami.
Adakah institusi di dunia ini, tempat Anda bisa mempelajari cara menjalankan bisnis Anda sendiri?
Saya yakin Anda mulai menyebut beberapa kursus atau jurusan bisnis dengan nama-nama tetentu yang ditawarkan oleh universitas atau sebuah lembaga kursus. Terus terang, itu semua tidak mengajarkan Anda bagaimana menjalankan bisnis untuk diri Anda sendiri. Mereka hanya mengajarkan Anda bagaimana menjalankan bisnis untuk orang lain! Kalau Anda mengikuti kursus akuntansi, yang diajarkan adalah bagaimana Anda menghitung uang orang lain.
Bukan masanya bicara tentang kelebihan teknologi. Mari, kita bicara kelebihan kewirausahaan. Kita memerlukan wirausaha untuk menciptakan perusahaan yang besar dengan teknologi temuan terbaru!
Sejumlah pakar, praktisi, orang sukses, Anda yakini bakal mengatasi tugas menciptakan pekerjaan untuk orang banyak. Mengapa harus orang lain? Mengapa harus mereka, bukan Anda sendiri? Bukankah mereka yang sukses, sudah tak punya masalah lagi dalam menciptakan lapangan kerja, karena mereka sudah di sana, sementara Anda, mungkin masih mencari terus bisnis apa yang pas Anda jalankan sendiri.
Mari kita amati tren 1000 tahun terakhir. Di sana kita lihat perpindahan kekuasaan pada kelompok orang atau individu tertentu .
Tahun 1000
Kekuasaan berada di tangan kaum rohaniwan yang secara kebetulan adalah beberapa orang yang mampu membaca dan menulis
Tahun 1455
Penemuan mesin cetak yang memungkinkan pengetahuan lebih bisa disebarkan kepada lebih banyak orang. Dengan demikian kekuasaan bergeser dari agama ke politik
Tahun 1555
Politisi mulai lebih berkuasa dan untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan itu, birokrasi dibuat
Tahun 1970
Penemuan microchip memungkinkan informasi lebih tersebar kepada keompok orang yang lebih besar. Kekuasaan bergeser perlahan dari politik ke ekonomi
Tahun 1995
Ekonomi sekarang begitu penting sehingga menjadi sebab jatuhnya banyak pimpinan politik (mis.Presiden Soeharto dari Indonesia, Perdana Menteri Chavalit Yongchaiyudh dari Thailand) selama masa yang sangat singkat
Tahun 2020 Keseimbangan kekuasaan bergeser perlahan dari birokrasi menjadi kewirausahaan. (Bill Gates dipilih sebagai orang paling berkuasa di Inggris)
Telah diramalkan bahwa selama 25 tahun, individu birokrat akan bersikap defensive, mencari cara untuk mempertahankan status keamanan yang sudah ada dari standar hidup mereka, sedangkan individu yang berjiwa wirausaha akan bersikap ofensif, mencari cara memperbesar kesempatan mereka, kemampuan mereka dan kualitas hidup mereka yang meningkat.
"Karena perkembangan dinamis bakat kewirausahaan, Amerika Serikat mampu mewujudkan lebih dari 15 juta pekerjaan dalam tempo 7 tahun."
Sumber : Dare to Fail by Billi P.S. Lim
Telah diramalkan bahwa selama 25 tahun, individu birokrat akan bersikap defensif, mencari cara untuk mempertahankan status keamanan yang sudah ada dari standar hidup mereka, sedangkan individu yang berjiwa wirausaha akan bersikap ofensif, mencari cara memperbesar kesempatan mereka, kemampuan mereka dan kualitas hidup mereka yang meningkat.
“Karena perkembangan dinamis bakat kewirausahaan, Amerika Serikat mampu mewujudkan lebih dari 15 juta pekerjaan dalam tempo 7 tahun.”
Benar, pembaca. Sekilas angka dan fakta ini, adalah fenomena merekahnya fajar baru kewirausahaan. Anda, mungkin sedang menapaki jalan di dalam terangnya fajar ini.
Tahukah Anda, ditaksir, populasi dunia mencapai enam miliar di akhir 1999 dan tahun 2020, angkanya melonjak menjadi delapan miliar! Apakah pemerintah bisa menyediakan pekerjaan untuk sedemikian banyak orang? Faktanya, ’privatisasi’ menjadi begitu populer pada dekade lalu, menunjukkan bahwa mereka ”mencuci tangan” dari tugas menciptakan pekerjaan yang mengerikan itu.
Fakta lainnya, merger, akuisisi, dan restrukturisasi dalam sektor swasta lebih sering membuahkan PHK masal. Lalu siapa yang mendapat beban menciptakan lapangan kerja? beban itu harus dipikul INDIVIDU-nya sendiri. Setiap orang, menciptakan sendiri pekerjaannya! Setiap orang, siap atau tidak, kondisi mendorongnya menjadi wirausaha.
Mau pilih yang mana: segera menyiapkan mental dan ketramplan kewirausahaan atau, saatnya nanti, terpaksa serabutan, mencoba-cobamenjadi wirausahawan setelah ”terdepak” dari posisi ”orang gajian”!
Saran kami, dan itu tugas buku ini pula, segeralah belajar mengambil inisiatif, inovatif, berani dan kreatif. Mulailah mempromosikan dan menampilkan ide Anda. Anda harus mulai hidup ”sedikit bersusah-payah”, jangan menunggu gaji bulanan Anda, dan mulai menunda kepuasan Anda.
Sadarilah, fenomena ini. Bahwa kewirausahaan, yang tidak dikenali seperempat abad lalu, saat ini diajarkan sebagai mata kuliah di universitas di seluruh dunia. Di Amerika Serikat saja, ratusan perguruan tinggi mengajarkan itu. Apakah ini benar-benar fenomena baru?
Tidak persis demikian. Kita sebenarnya dilahirkan sebagai wiirausaha. Keberanian, kreativitas, dan inisiatif – semuanya adalah sifat yang dimiliki seseorang sejak lahir. Itu alami, melekat dalam diri Anda! Tinggal masalahnya, buatlah kemampuan itu muncul dan bekerja optimal! Bayi manapun di dunia ini, sebelum mereka dibanjiri nilai-nilai dan peraturan masyarakat, tanpa perlu ikut seminar tentang ”berjalan”, ia belajar berjalan sampai bisa. Anda, pembaca, dulu juga bayi yang merangkak pun belum bisa. Setiap kali si bayi yang belajar berjalan itu tersandung, ia bangkit lagi. Bayi itu pun belajar berbicara tanpa perlu menghadiri kelas bahasa. Sayangnya, semua kelebihan itu hilang ketika ia memasuki institusi yang kita sebut sekolah.
Cobalah jawab pertanyaan kami.
Adakah institusi di dunia ini, tempat Anda bisa mempelajari cara menjalankan bisnis Anda sendiri?
Saya yakin Anda mulai menyebut beberapa kursus atau jurusan bisnis dengan nama-nama tetentu yang ditawarkan oleh universitas atau sebuah lembaga kursus. Terus terang, itu semua tidak mengajarkan Anda bagaimana menjalankan bisnis untuk diri Anda sendiri. Mereka hanya mengajarkan Anda bagaimana menjalankan bisnis untuk orang lain! Kalau Anda mengikuti kursus akuntansi, yang diajarkan adalah bagaimana Anda menghitung uang orang lain.
Bukan masanya bicara tentang kelebihan teknologi. Mari, kita bicara kelebihan kewirausahaan. Kita memerlukan wirausaha untuk menciptakan perusahaan yang besar dengan teknologi temuan terbaru!
Sejumlah pakar, praktisi, orang sukses, Anda yakini bakal mengatasi tugas menciptakan pekerjaan untuk orang banyak. Mengapa harus orang lain? Mengapa harus mereka, bukan Anda sendiri? Bukankah mereka yang sukses, sudah tak punya masalah lagi dalam menciptakan lapangan kerja, karena mereka sudah di sana, sementara Anda, mungkin masih mencari terus bisnis apa yang pas Anda jalankan sendiri.
Mari kita amati tren 1000 tahun terakhir. Di sana kita lihat perpindahan kekuasaan pada kelompok orang atau individu tertentu .
Tahun 1000
Kekuasaan berada di tangan kaum rohaniwan yang secara kebetulan adalah beberapa orang yang mampu membaca dan menulis
Tahun 1455
Penemuan mesin cetak yang memungkinkan pengetahuan lebih bisa disebarkan kepada lebih banyak orang. Dengan demikian kekuasaan bergeser dari agama ke politik
Tahun 1555
Politisi mulai lebih berkuasa dan untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan itu, birokrasi dibuat
Tahun 1970
Penemuan microchip memungkinkan informasi lebih tersebar kepada keompok orang yang lebih besar. Kekuasaan bergeser perlahan dari politik ke ekonomi
Tahun 1995
Ekonomi sekarang begitu penting sehingga menjadi sebab jatuhnya banyak pimpinan politik (mis.Presiden Soeharto dari Indonesia, Perdana Menteri Chavalit Yongchaiyudh dari Thailand) selama masa yang sangat singkat
Tahun 2020 Keseimbangan kekuasaan bergeser perlahan dari birokrasi menjadi kewirausahaan. (Bill Gates dipilih sebagai orang paling berkuasa di Inggris)
Telah diramalkan bahwa selama 25 tahun, individu birokrat akan bersikap defensive, mencari cara untuk mempertahankan status keamanan yang sudah ada dari standar hidup mereka, sedangkan individu yang berjiwa wirausaha akan bersikap ofensif, mencari cara memperbesar kesempatan mereka, kemampuan mereka dan kualitas hidup mereka yang meningkat.
"Karena perkembangan dinamis bakat kewirausahaan, Amerika Serikat mampu mewujudkan lebih dari 15 juta pekerjaan dalam tempo 7 tahun."
Sumber : Dare to Fail by Billi P.S. Lim
Telah diramalkan bahwa selama 25 tahun, individu birokrat akan bersikap defensif, mencari cara untuk mempertahankan status keamanan yang sudah ada dari standar hidup mereka, sedangkan individu yang berjiwa wirausaha akan bersikap ofensif, mencari cara memperbesar kesempatan mereka, kemampuan mereka dan kualitas hidup mereka yang meningkat.
“Karena perkembangan dinamis bakat kewirausahaan, Amerika Serikat mampu mewujudkan lebih dari 15 juta pekerjaan dalam tempo 7 tahun.”
Benar, pembaca. Sekilas angka dan fakta ini, adalah fenomena merekahnya fajar baru kewirausahaan. Anda, mungkin sedang menapaki jalan di dalam terangnya fajar ini.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Definisi Pengusaha
J.B. Say seorang ekonom Peracis pada awal abad 19 dihargai secara umum dengan mengenali bahwa seorang pengusaha dalam masyarakat kapitalis adalah sumbu dan semua hal berbalik. Definisi terkini mengenai seorang pengusaha adalah: Orang yang membentuk ulang atau mevolusir pola produksi dengan memanfaatkan suatu penenmuan atau, secara lebih umum, sebuah kemungkinan teknologis yang belum pernah dicoba untuk rnenghasilkan suatu komoditi baru ataupun memproduksi suatu bentuk lama dengan cara baru. Tindakan ini akan membuka suatu sumber baru yang menyediakan bahan atau outlet baru untuk pro¬duk dengan mengorganisir ulang suatu industri
Apakah Anda memiliki atribut-atribut ini?
Pengerahan Diri
Pendisiplinan diri dan secara menyeluruh merasa nyaman bekerja untuk diri sendiri.
Pengasuhan Diri
Antusiasme tak terbatas untuk ide-ide Anda saat tak seorang pun memilikinya.
Orientasi pada Tindakan
Hasrat menyala untuk memujudkan, mengaktualisasikan dan mengubah ide-ide Anda menjadi kenyataan.
Energi Tingkat Tinggi
Mampu bekerja dalam waktu lama secara emosional, mental dan fisik.
Toleransi atas Ketidakmenentuan
Secara psikologis mampu menghadapi resiko
Beberapa isu kritis untuk dipertimbangkan
√ Kemampuan Sumber Finansial √ Ketrampilan-Ketrampilan Manajemen
√ Banyak Kontak √ Ketrampilan-Ketrampilan Teknis
√ Ketrampilan Komersial √ Kemauan untuk mendengar
(Anda temukan urutannya atau tidak. Yang kalah banyak dan itu sangat menyakitkan. Kemenangan yang diraih membuat semuanya layak diperjuangkan. )
Apakah Anda memiliki atribut-atribut ini?
1. Apakah Anda mendambakan keamanan dari kerumunan?
2. Apakah Anda beroperasi berdasar konsensus dan komite?
3. Apakah Anda mau memberi pengorbanan?
4. Apakah Anda merasa nyaman bekerja 6 atau 7 hari, 60-80 jam seminggu?
5. Apakah Anda mudah dikacaukan saat mengerjakan proyek khusus?
6. Apakah Anda siap untuk melakukan lebih dari yang dilakukan pesaing Anda?
7. Dapatkah Anda membuat keputusan penting?
8. Dapatkah Anda mengendalikan diri saat mereka di sekitar Anda tak lagi mampu?
J.B. Say seorang ekonom Peracis pada awal abad 19 dihargai secara umum dengan mengenali bahwa seorang pengusaha dalam masyarakat kapitalis adalah sumbu dan semua hal berbalik. Definisi terkini mengenai seorang pengusaha adalah: Orang yang membentuk ulang atau mevolusir pola produksi dengan memanfaatkan suatu penenmuan atau, secara lebih umum, sebuah kemungkinan teknologis yang belum pernah dicoba untuk rnenghasilkan suatu komoditi baru ataupun memproduksi suatu bentuk lama dengan cara baru. Tindakan ini akan membuka suatu sumber baru yang menyediakan bahan atau outlet baru untuk pro¬duk dengan mengorganisir ulang suatu industri
Apakah Anda memiliki atribut-atribut ini?
Pengerahan Diri
Pendisiplinan diri dan secara menyeluruh merasa nyaman bekerja untuk diri sendiri.
Pengasuhan Diri
Antusiasme tak terbatas untuk ide-ide Anda saat tak seorang pun memilikinya.
Orientasi pada Tindakan
Hasrat menyala untuk memujudkan, mengaktualisasikan dan mengubah ide-ide Anda menjadi kenyataan.
Energi Tingkat Tinggi
Mampu bekerja dalam waktu lama secara emosional, mental dan fisik.
Toleransi atas Ketidakmenentuan
Secara psikologis mampu menghadapi resiko
Beberapa isu kritis untuk dipertimbangkan
√ Kemampuan Sumber Finansial √ Ketrampilan-Ketrampilan Manajemen
√ Banyak Kontak √ Ketrampilan-Ketrampilan Teknis
√ Ketrampilan Komersial √ Kemauan untuk mendengar
(Anda temukan urutannya atau tidak. Yang kalah banyak dan itu sangat menyakitkan. Kemenangan yang diraih membuat semuanya layak diperjuangkan. )
Apakah Anda memiliki atribut-atribut ini?
1. Apakah Anda mendambakan keamanan dari kerumunan?
2. Apakah Anda beroperasi berdasar konsensus dan komite?
3. Apakah Anda mau memberi pengorbanan?
4. Apakah Anda merasa nyaman bekerja 6 atau 7 hari, 60-80 jam seminggu?
5. Apakah Anda mudah dikacaukan saat mengerjakan proyek khusus?
6. Apakah Anda siap untuk melakukan lebih dari yang dilakukan pesaing Anda?
7. Dapatkah Anda membuat keputusan penting?
8. Dapatkah Anda mengendalikan diri saat mereka di sekitar Anda tak lagi mampu?
Kontributor: CDC-FTUI (21.03.2007 18:07)
Few organizations can compare with BP for the sheer scale of our international business activities.
For graduates, that means tremendous scope – to move across business areas, to build your capabilities in different functions or specialisms, and to work and travel internationally. Our view is that people need room to learn, to move and to grow. So, within the commercial boundaries of our business, we seek to accommodate individual interests and experiences – and that means unparalleled opportunity for you.
We are looking for people who are intelligent, organized, confident and ambitious – people who welcome responsibility, who are inspired by the idea of change and who relish working in a multicultural environment.
1. Operations Offshore Engineers
Engineering and technology is fundamental to BP’s global success in developing and operating offshore oil and gas fields. Java as mature asset is required young and talent engineer to work in operation and maintenance in order to one resource to extend the Life of Field. This is new entry position to expose on supervisory/ leadership role in Java Field Operation.
In a structured training and development programme, you are likely to become involved in project management, operation and maintenance of offshore production systems and its components.
Entry Requirements:
You will be in your final year of study or have completed within the last three years from an engineering discipline related to offshore engineering, such as mechanical, electrical, process, chemical or petroleum engineering with a grade point average of at least 3.0 of 4 scale. You must have no more than 3 years full time work experience and have excellent command of English – both oral and written. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate a keen interest in working in operational environment with rotational working schedule.
2. Operations Engineers
Working at the sharp end of oil and gas production and delivery, operations engineers are involved in designing, commissioning and operating oil and gas facilities. Graduates joining in this area need to be prepared to work hard, sometimes under harsh conditions. But the upside is that you’ll be dealing with some of the largest, most ambitious and exciting environment in the industry.
In a structured training and development programme, you are likely to become involved in research and development, project management, design, construction, installation and maintenance of production systems and components.
Entry Requirements:
You will be in your final year of study or have completed within the last three years from a core engineering discipline (such as mechanical, chemical, electrical) with a grade point average of at least 3.0 of 4 scale. You must have no more than 3 years full time work experience and have excellent command of English – both oral and written.
3. Commercial
BP’s commercial activity is broad and diverse, so graduates joining us in this area typically carry out a number of roles to gain exposure to different elements. You will undertake different roles working across our businesses, allowing you to develop a deeper understanding of the business and the way BP operates. You could work in roles spanning financial/business planning and analysis, general management, procurement, trading, risk assessment, marketing, digital business or customer relationship management. Whatever your role, you will need to apply your analytical, teamworking and creative thinking skills to a range of problems.
Entry Requirements:
You will be in your final year of study or have completed within the last three years, majoring in Finance/Economics/ Industrial Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering/ Chemical Engineering with a grade point average of at least 3.0 of 4 scale. You must have no more than 3 years full time work experience and have excellent command of English – both oral and written.
4. Finance, Control and Accounting (FC&A)
As an accounting graduate student, you will have the opportunity to explore the possibility of joining our dynamic team. If you are the future leader we're looking for, you will have a promising and excellent career which will build your technical accounting skills and broaden your commercial acumen while making a direct impact to our business. We will make sure that by joining our team, you won’t spend your first two years just ticking boxes; you will be in a real job where you will be responsible for certain elements of the financial and/or management accounting for a business, you will have discussions with business leaders about our financial performance and you will be able to see the direct impact of your contribution. We will also invest in your ongoing professional development through our extensive and vast learning and development programs.
Entry Requirements:
You will be in your final year of study or have completed within the last three years, majoring in Accounting with a grade point average of at least 3.0 of 4 scale. You should have no more than 5 years full time work experience and have excellent command of English – both oral and written.
For more information and to apply online, go to:
http://www.bp. com/careers/ indonesia.
Applications close April 7, 2007
Ini juga ada lowongan dari email tetangga
How to apply : Please open our recruitment partner website at
Closing date for application : April 5, 2007
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for further process.
To sustain profitable growth and build the organizational capability, Chevron in Indonesia is now searching for fresh graduates and 4 years related experienced Indonesian nationals who possess relevant educational background, technical, and behavior competencies to join the company in the following opportunities:
Fresh Graduate:
(ES-ES) Earth Scientist
(PE-PE) Petroleum Engineer
(FE-FE) Facility Engineer
(DC-DE) Drilling Engineer
(DC-CE) Completion Engineer
(IT-ITE) Information Technology Engineer/Specialist
(PE Lab-CE) Lab Specialist/Chemist
(OE-HES) HES Engineer/Specialist
(H R-RS) Human Resources Representative/ Specialist
(FIN-ACT) Accountant
(ES-ES) Earth Scientist
(PE-PE) Petroleum Engineer
(PE-LA) Lab Analyst*
(PE-LSC) Lab Specialist/Chemist
(PE-LHS) Lab HES Specialist
(DC-DE) Drilling Engineer
(DC-CE) Completion Engineer
(DC-WSM) Well Site Manager*
(DC-DSM) Drill Site Manager*
(FE-FE) Facilities Engineering (Maintenance/ Construction/ Planning and Scheduling)
(Ops-MT) Marine Technician*
(Ops-OMS) Operations & Maintenance Specialist
(HR-MOI) Sr. Medical Officer – Internist
(HR-MOO) Sr. Medical Officer – Obgyn
(HR-ARS) Human Resources Analyst/Representat ive/Specialist
(G&PA-PRCS) Public Relation/Communicat ion Specialist
(Legal-LCA) Legal Counsel/Attorney
HES-HE Health Environment and Safety Engineer
HES-HS Health Environment and Safety Specialist (Field/Office)
* Diploma 3 experienced
Premier Oil is a long established independent oil and gas producer, focused on four core business areas: the North Sea, Africa, Middle East/Pakistan, and Asia. From its financially strong position, Premier is seeking to grow through organic production growth, high impact exploration, and acquisitions in the areas we know well. Foremost among those is Indonesia, where Premier has been operating in the Natuna Sea for more than a decade, growing the business through exploration, appraisal and commercialisation of gas to the point where Indonesia now represents one third of Premiers production
Premier Oil is committed to its long-term organisational development plan for human resources, aiming to create a working culture defined by its core values. A key part of this strategy is to attract and retain outstanding individuals who share these values and thrive on responding to the exciting challenges in the business today. Due to recent expansion, Premier is now seeking to fill key positions in its Indonesian business. This is a first class opportunity for those searching for a career-enhancing move to develop their full potential.
Premier has the following opportunities for exceptional individuals with high skill levels, an uncompromised work ethic and willingness to grow and develop with the company:
Finance Manager (ref 07/0102)
Production Chemist (ref 07/0109)
Facilities Superintendent (ref 07/0110)
Senior Geophysicist (ref 07/0112)
Senior Petroleum Engineer (ref 07/0113)
Exploration Geologist (ref 07/0114)
Development Geologist (ref 07/0115)
Applications can be mailed to:
Premier Oil c/o OPAC Benchmark Recruitment
Wisma Staco 7th Floor
Jl. Casablanca Kav. 18
Jakarta 12870
Email: premier-oil@ opacbenchmark. com
Please quote the appropriate reference number
We are looking for qualified personnel with high motivation, initiative and integrity to fill in the following positions:
• Bachelor Degree in Geology from an Accredited University
• Minimum 5 (five) years experience in Oil & Gas exploration production company
• Having experience in generating drillable prospect
• Having experience in evaluating and setting-up a POD is preferable
• Having some knowledge in using software for formation evaluation/log analysis
• Familiar with geological mapping as well as geological modeling software and other geosciences applications
• Proficiency in English both speaking and writing
• Have a presentation skill is a plus
Email your application and CV not later than April 8, 2007 to :
State your selected position in the subject of your application. Only qualified candidates will be contacted for further selection process.
Irine Y
Ditjen Migas
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B5
Jakarta Selatan
Kontributor: CDC-FTUI (21.03.2007 18:07)
Few organizations can compare with BP for the sheer scale of our international business activities.
For graduates, that means tremendous scope – to move across business areas, to build your capabilities in different functions or specialisms, and to work and travel internationally. Our view is that people need room to learn, to move and to grow. So, within the commercial boundaries of our business, we seek to accommodate individual interests and experiences – and that means unparalleled opportunity for you.
We are looking for people who are intelligent, organized, confident and ambitious – people who welcome responsibility, who are inspired by the idea of change and who relish working in a multicultural environment.
1. Operations Offshore Engineers
Engineering and technology is fundamental to BP’s global success in developing and operating offshore oil and gas fields. Java as mature asset is required young and talent engineer to work in operation and maintenance in order to one resource to extend the Life of Field. This is new entry position to expose on supervisory/ leadership role in Java Field Operation.
In a structured training and development programme, you are likely to become involved in project management, operation and maintenance of offshore production systems and its components.
Entry Requirements:
You will be in your final year of study or have completed within the last three years from an engineering discipline related to offshore engineering, such as mechanical, electrical, process, chemical or petroleum engineering with a grade point average of at least 3.0 of 4 scale. You must have no more than 3 years full time work experience and have excellent command of English – both oral and written. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate a keen interest in working in operational environment with rotational working schedule.
2. Operations Engineers
Working at the sharp end of oil and gas production and delivery, operations engineers are involved in designing, commissioning and operating oil and gas facilities. Graduates joining in this area need to be prepared to work hard, sometimes under harsh conditions. But the upside is that you’ll be dealing with some of the largest, most ambitious and exciting environment in the industry.
In a structured training and development programme, you are likely to become involved in research and development, project management, design, construction, installation and maintenance of production systems and components.
Entry Requirements:
You will be in your final year of study or have completed within the last three years from a core engineering discipline (such as mechanical, chemical, electrical) with a grade point average of at least 3.0 of 4 scale. You must have no more than 3 years full time work experience and have excellent command of English – both oral and written.
3. Commercial
BP’s commercial activity is broad and diverse, so graduates joining us in this area typically carry out a number of roles to gain exposure to different elements. You will undertake different roles working across our businesses, allowing you to develop a deeper understanding of the business and the way BP operates. You could work in roles spanning financial/business planning and analysis, general management, procurement, trading, risk assessment, marketing, digital business or customer relationship management. Whatever your role, you will need to apply your analytical, teamworking and creative thinking skills to a range of problems.
Entry Requirements:
You will be in your final year of study or have completed within the last three years, majoring in Finance/Economics/ Industrial Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering/ Chemical Engineering with a grade point average of at least 3.0 of 4 scale. You must have no more than 3 years full time work experience and have excellent command of English – both oral and written.
4. Finance, Control and Accounting (FC&A)
As an accounting graduate student, you will have the opportunity to explore the possibility of joining our dynamic team. If you are the future leader we're looking for, you will have a promising and excellent career which will build your technical accounting skills and broaden your commercial acumen while making a direct impact to our business. We will make sure that by joining our team, you won’t spend your first two years just ticking boxes; you will be in a real job where you will be responsible for certain elements of the financial and/or management accounting for a business, you will have discussions with business leaders about our financial performance and you will be able to see the direct impact of your contribution. We will also invest in your ongoing professional development through our extensive and vast learning and development programs.
Entry Requirements:
You will be in your final year of study or have completed within the last three years, majoring in Accounting with a grade point average of at least 3.0 of 4 scale. You should have no more than 5 years full time work experience and have excellent command of English – both oral and written.
For more information and to apply online, go to:
http://www.bp. com/careers/ indonesia.
Applications close April 7, 2007
Ini juga ada lowongan dari email tetangga
How to apply : Please open our recruitment partner website at
Closing date for application : April 5, 2007
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for further process.
To sustain profitable growth and build the organizational capability, Chevron in Indonesia is now searching for fresh graduates and 4 years related experienced Indonesian nationals who possess relevant educational background, technical, and behavior competencies to join the company in the following opportunities:
Fresh Graduate:
(ES-ES) Earth Scientist
(PE-PE) Petroleum Engineer
(FE-FE) Facility Engineer
(DC-DE) Drilling Engineer
(DC-CE) Completion Engineer
(IT-ITE) Information Technology Engineer/Specialist
(PE Lab-CE) Lab Specialist/Chemist
(OE-HES) HES Engineer/Specialist
(H R-RS) Human Resources Representative/ Specialist
(FIN-ACT) Accountant
(ES-ES) Earth Scientist
(PE-PE) Petroleum Engineer
(PE-LA) Lab Analyst*
(PE-LSC) Lab Specialist/Chemist
(PE-LHS) Lab HES Specialist
(DC-DE) Drilling Engineer
(DC-CE) Completion Engineer
(DC-WSM) Well Site Manager*
(DC-DSM) Drill Site Manager*
(FE-FE) Facilities Engineering (Maintenance/ Construction/ Planning and Scheduling)
(Ops-MT) Marine Technician*
(Ops-OMS) Operations & Maintenance Specialist
(HR-MOI) Sr. Medical Officer – Internist
(HR-MOO) Sr. Medical Officer – Obgyn
(HR-ARS) Human Resources Analyst/Representat ive/Specialist
(G&PA-PRCS) Public Relation/Communicat ion Specialist
(Legal-LCA) Legal Counsel/Attorney
HES-HE Health Environment and Safety Engineer
HES-HS Health Environment and Safety Specialist (Field/Office)
* Diploma 3 experienced
Premier Oil is a long established independent oil and gas producer, focused on four core business areas: the North Sea, Africa, Middle East/Pakistan, and Asia. From its financially strong position, Premier is seeking to grow through organic production growth, high impact exploration, and acquisitions in the areas we know well. Foremost among those is Indonesia, where Premier has been operating in the Natuna Sea for more than a decade, growing the business through exploration, appraisal and commercialisation of gas to the point where Indonesia now represents one third of Premiers production
Premier Oil is committed to its long-term organisational development plan for human resources, aiming to create a working culture defined by its core values. A key part of this strategy is to attract and retain outstanding individuals who share these values and thrive on responding to the exciting challenges in the business today. Due to recent expansion, Premier is now seeking to fill key positions in its Indonesian business. This is a first class opportunity for those searching for a career-enhancing move to develop their full potential.
Premier has the following opportunities for exceptional individuals with high skill levels, an uncompromised work ethic and willingness to grow and develop with the company:
Finance Manager (ref 07/0102)
Production Chemist (ref 07/0109)
Facilities Superintendent (ref 07/0110)
Senior Geophysicist (ref 07/0112)
Senior Petroleum Engineer (ref 07/0113)
Exploration Geologist (ref 07/0114)
Development Geologist (ref 07/0115)
Applications can be mailed to:
Premier Oil c/o OPAC Benchmark Recruitment
Wisma Staco 7th Floor
Jl. Casablanca Kav. 18
Jakarta 12870
Email: premier-oil@ opacbenchmark. com
Please quote the appropriate reference number
We are looking for qualified personnel with high motivation, initiative and integrity to fill in the following positions:
• Bachelor Degree in Geology from an Accredited University
• Minimum 5 (five) years experience in Oil & Gas exploration production company
• Having experience in generating drillable prospect
• Having experience in evaluating and setting-up a POD is preferable
• Having some knowledge in using software for formation evaluation/log analysis
• Familiar with geological mapping as well as geological modeling software and other geosciences applications
• Proficiency in English both speaking and writing
• Have a presentation skill is a plus
Email your application and CV not later than April 8, 2007 to :
State your selected position in the subject of your application. Only qualified candidates will be contacted for further selection process.
Irine Y
Ditjen Migas
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B5
Jakarta Selatan
Maintenance Vacancy di GASCO - Abu Dhabi
1. NDT technician
2. Inspector
3. Inspection Engineer ( S1)
status dirrect hire.
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1. NDT technician
2. Inspector
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